tell the story

Sharing instinctively the good news

Create the opportunity

We all share good news with others, whether it is about a new job, a great vacation, or what Jesus Christ has done for us. Be intentional in creating and capturing opportunities for sharing the Good News by establishing routines that can make spiritual conversations a natural part of your family dynamic and your everyday experiences with others you encounter throughout your day.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." I Peter 3:15

Tell His Story 

One Verse Evangelism is a simple way to share the story of Christ's love. It's easy to learn because it uses one verse:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23


WAGES: What we receive for what we have done

SIN: When I do things my way instead of God's way

DEATH: Separation from God

FREE GIFT: Something freely given and freely received

ETERNAL LIFE: Abundant life now and in heaven

CHRIST JESUS: He alone is the bridge between us and God

LORD: One who takes control or boss of our life

But why would He do this? The Bible tells us:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

Tell Your Story 

You have a story. If you have decided to follow Jesus, it is a great story; a story that should be told! Sharing your personal testimony can be a casual and authentic way to introduce others to Jesus Christ. Here are some simple tips for telling your story:

Finish the following prompts in one or two sentences:

1. What was your life like before you met Christ?

2. How I realized my need for Christ...

3. How I invited Christ to forgive me and take control of my life...

4. The difference Christ has made in my life...

Ask a friend, spouse, or family member if you can practice sharing your story. This will allow you to feel more comfortable in the future when there is an opportunity and is also a great time to ask for any feedback they might have.

Begin praying that God would give you opportunities to share the Good News with others. Be aware and take advantage when these opportunities arise.

Use an Eternal CPR card and list the names of four individuals in your family, workplace, or school, etc. that you would like to build a relationship with so you can share your story. Place the card where it will be a good reminder for you.

Commit to:
- Cultivate that relationship
- Plant truth; share your story
- Reap a decision