Our Adult Ministry is committed to the inviting everyone to grow together in our love for Jesus!
Our Ministry
- We have various Adult Sunday School classes that meet weekly to study issues in life and books of the Bible. Please visit our Sunday School page to find out more. We invite you to become a part of one of these classes to further your knowledge of the Bible and your love for God.
- We believe that authentic biblical community occurs best within the context of a LifeGroup. These life-on-life groups will encourage you as you grow in your pursuit of God. Please visit our LifeGroup page to find out how you can become a part of this life-changing ministry.
- Men and women today face so many challenges as they try to live a godly life. Our Men's and Women's Ministries are hosting regular Bible studies, retreats, and special events in order to foster deeper relationships in our church family. Check out our Men of Faith and Women of Faith pages for more information.