In Numbers 30-31 the phrase that stands out to me is that they “did as the Lord commanded them.” I have to ask myself, “Do I do all that the Lord asks of me?”  This includes my attitudes, actions, thoughts, and words.  Do I listen to the nudging of the Holy Spirit when He asks me to do something?  Do I live according to all the commands written in the Word of God?  Do I do all things without grumbling or complaining?  Do I keep my thoughts and attitudes in line with Scripture?  Do I believe the truth of God’s Word instead of the lies that so easily mislead me?

In Luke 4:1-30 the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert. I think we can assume that every time we are in a desert situation, it doesn’t mean that we have disobeyed the Lord, that He is displeased with us, or that He can never use us again. God uses desert experiences for several reasons.  (I have done a study on desert situations. If any of you want to see that, ask Sue for my email.)

Jesus answered all the temptations with the Words of God.  We need to be immersed in God’s Word to help us withstand temptation.

It was the power of the Spirit that led Jesus back to Galilee and then later in Nazareth He read from Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  Jesus, our powerful God, has the ability to help us share the good news with others, set us free, heal us, give us victory, etc.  He is a great God and is with us all the time.

My “word” for this year is pursue.  Psalm 63 is a perfect example.  Some questions I ask myself after reading this are:  Do I seek God?  Do I thirst for Him and long after Him?  Do I desire His love more than life?  Do I glorify and praise Him?  Am I satisfied with Him?  Do I remember Him, think about Him, and cling to Him?

Proverbs 11: 20-21 reminds us that God hates perverse hearts and wickedness; but He delights in the righteous and the blameless.  This takes me back to Numbers 30-31.  Do I do all the Lord asks of me, which is righteousness, or do I disobey, which is wickedness?

by Melissa Shoemaker, Women's Ministry Team

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