I love the holidays, especially Resurrection Sunday (Easter) and Thanksgiving. Although as a child, Christmas was my favorite. It comes next on my list of favorite holidays, mainly because I love the Christmas lights and reminder of the birth of our Savior.

I remember one Christmas as a child where I got this beautiful ceramic doll. She was my very own possession and I loved her dearly. In the midst of enjoying her, my younger brother reached over to where I was playing on the floor with my new doll and smashed her head in with the bunt of his new western gun he had gotten. So much for a wonderful day… I won’t go into how I tore into my little brother. My beautiful possession was now smashed to smithereens. Which, I guess that’s why dolls are mostly plastic now.

Moses says in Deuteronomy 7:6 “…you are a holy people to the LORD your God. The LORD has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured Possession.” NIV

Like my ceramic doll, we were broken and shattered and yet God makes us His own Possession. There’s nothing quite like knowing that you belong to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as His own Possession. This was a yearning of mine for years; to belong. I was abandoned by my dad. I was later loved by my husband for over 55 years, but even he could not fill my internal longing. My yearning was only filled by the one who made me His treasured possession.  I am His own and He wants to sup with me and I with Him. The Creator Possessor occupies and fills the possessed! How good is that??

by Wanda Williams, Women's Ministry Team

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