Just Older Youth
Our JOY Ministry is for our 55+ community. It is our desire to invest in one another, to share all of life's joys and sorrows, and to celebrate what He has and is doing through each of us as we gather in fellowship together...
The J.O.Y. Group assembles once a quarter do have lunch together and visit one of Dallas’ many attractions. Watch the website & Worship Guide for these quarterly events and plan on joining us!
The J.O.Y. Group assembles once a quarter do have lunch together and visit one of Dallas’ many attractions. Watch the website & Worship Guide for these quarterly events and plan on joining us!
We connect everyone in LifeGroups to provide places of caring, sharing, and accountability. Our Sunday School program attracts nearly 90% of our seniors to a class every weekend. Many of the trips we take are to museums or gardens, but at this stage in life, it is hard to go anywhere without learning valuable lessons of our God's provision and blessings upon us. We believe that we are never too old or too wise to learn form God and others.
We also desire for all of our family in this stage of life to have opportunities to use their gifts for the kingdom of God and to mentor younger believers as they grow. Several events each year are service projects and we invite people of any age to join us on everything we do. No other age has as much experience and wisdom to share with the world and generations to come.