Mike Hogue
Senior Pastor
Mike Hogue is the Senior Pastor at Faith Bible Church. After a 22-year Air Force career, Mike retired and relocated from his assignment at the Pentagon to the DFW area where he pursued a ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary. After graduating seminary in 2017, he taught math in a public middle school for two years before God called him to be an associate pastor at a church in Midlothian, TX. After a little more than 4 years in that role, God called him to be lead pastor at FBC. Mike graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1991 with degrees in mathematics and operations research. After pilot training, he received a MS in Computer Science from Texas Tech. He was an instructor pilot in the KC-10A and the T-1A. Two days after graduating from the Air Force Academy, he married Heather. They have four adult children. Mike is passionate about Scripture and discipleship, loves a good game of racquetball, and plays guitar.
Craig Lester
Pastor of Worship & Arts
Craig Lester serves as Pastor of Worship & Arts at Faith Bible Church in DeSoto, Texas where he serves, both, on the platform as a worship leader and off-platform as a shepherd working to see the worship team and congregation alike love Jesus with their all and share the love they’ve found in Him with others. Craig graduated from Morehouse College in 2004, a historically black College in Atlanta with a BA in Music Composition. Since then, he has served in vocational worship ministry since 2005. Craig is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, pastor, and composer from Oak Cliff (Dallas), Texas. He currently resides in DeSoto, Texas with his wife, Malika, and their five children.
Ben Urban
Pastor of Student Ministries
Ben Urban graduated in May 2023 from Criswell College with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry. He has worked with Faith Student Ministries as the College Director for over 5 years and as our Pastor of Student Ministries since August 2020. His heart for students is evident from your first conversation with him. Ben and his wife, Amanda, are experiencing the daily joy of raising their three boys while making disciples and expanding the Kingdom of God. You can always find him hanging out with a myriad of student personalities and his passion to model his life after Jesus' gives him the ability to uniquely connect with each one.
Dr. Jerry Hull
Pastor of Children Ministries
A native of Illinois, Jerry came to know the Lord in a life-changing way through the personal testimony of a good friend. Jerry went on to earn his Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible Theology from Moody Bible Institute, and his Master of Theology degree and Master of Arts degree in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary. He received his Ph.D. in Christian Education from the University of Biblical Studies. Jerry serves presently as Pastor of Children's Ministry at Faith Bible Church in DeSoto, TX. While attending Moody Bible Institute, Jerry met Cathy, his future wife. God has blessed Jerry and Cathy with three adult children and four grand daughters. Relaxation for the Hulls often involves music as Jerry plays the guitar and mandolin. Jerry also enjoys photography and water sports.
Sue Lord
Office Administrator
Sue has worked at the church off and on since 1998 as part-time staff. She has been Adult Ministries Assistant, Co-Nursery Coordinator, and Children’s Ministry Assistant. In 2006, she was offered the position of Church Secretary which she has done since. She loves her job and the people she works with and interacts with on a daily basis! It has been her joy to be here. She was widowed in 2005 and has three daughters and one son (in heaven), three sons-in-law and 12 grandchildren!
Karen Hall
Office Accountant
Karen is a certified public accountant and has been FBC's accountant since 1997 She is very thankful for a place to use her gifts to serve the church. Karen also has an accounting and tax practice that keeps her busy most of the year. She loves spending time with her children and grandchildren & building friendships with her neighbors.
Gabby arnold
Student Ministry Assistant
With an enthusiasm for people fueled by her love for Jesus, Gabby is one of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet! She volunteers with music ministries, and still goes above and beyond to get her job done with Student Ministries and love our Faith Family well. Gabby is uniquely suited for multi-tasking while prioritizing the people around her due to her early career start in management. When she is not at the church, she loves exploring new adventures with her husband, Stephen, and daughter, Emma.
Abby McMeans
Worship Ministry Assistant
Throughout Abby’s life God has continually showed her the deep healing and freedom that is found only in relationship with Jesus. She desires to continue deepening her relationship with Him, sharing His truth and loving those around her. Abby has always had a love for music and is especially passionate about worshiping God through music. She desires to use all that she has been given to serve His kingdom and magnify His name. Abby is married to her wonderful husband Mark-Andrew and they enjoy doing anything and everything together.
Erica Good
Children's Ministry Assistant
Erica Good has always had a heart for children, the brokenhearted, and above all, Christ. Whether working or volunteering, she has served as an EMT, CNA, home healthcare professional, Missionary (5 yrs), and pre-school teacher. Her desire is to serve others while showing Christ's love and making Him known. Erica resides in DeSoto with her 4 children.
Abigail Brown
Nursery/Preschool Director
Abby was born and raised in the South Dallas area. She is married to her wonderful husband, Jordan, who serves as a deacon here at Faith and they have two young boys. She has attended Faith since she was 6 years old. She has a passion for child safety and creating safe spaces for children to gather and parents to trust that their kids are safe.

My wife, Deborah, and I have been members since 2005. We've attended LifeGroups and Bible Studies. I serve on the Worship Team and the Deacon Board. I was Deacon Board Chairman in 2015-2016. We are blessed to have 5 grown children and 14 grandchildren of various ages. We recently welcomed our first great-grandson into our lives. We love FBC and the light it provides in the community and the support to ministries world wide.
Michelle Parker
Mother's Day Out
Michelle accepted Christ as her Savior when she was 24 years old and has dedicated her life to living to make Him known. Her spiritual gifts are hospitality and helps. In addition to serving as Mother's Day Out Director, she also oversees the Coffee and Refreshment Bar and serves as part of the Women's Ministry Team. Michelle and her husband, Tim, have been married for 29 years and have six children.
meet our Elders

Robert Riggs
Elder Chairman
Robert and Patti have been married for 35 years. Both began attending Faith Bible Church as newlyweds 35 years ago. They had the great pleasure of raising their 3 adult sons in the youth and children’s ministry at Faith.
Both Robert and Patti have been active in the children’s ministry area for the past 25 years. Robert has served as a Deacon, Elder, Treasurer, Adult Sunday School teacher, Awana 3-6th grade boys leader, VBS teaching co-leader, and small group facilitator. Currently Robert co-teaches an Adult Sunday school class.
Robert is the Senior Vice President of Operations and Effectiveness at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has served for 23 years. Robert’s favorite hobbies are sailing, watching his Aggies and the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with Patti, their sons and three daughters-in-law.
Both Robert and Patti have been active in the children’s ministry area for the past 25 years. Robert has served as a Deacon, Elder, Treasurer, Adult Sunday School teacher, Awana 3-6th grade boys leader, VBS teaching co-leader, and small group facilitator. Currently Robert co-teaches an Adult Sunday school class.
Robert is the Senior Vice President of Operations and Effectiveness at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has served for 23 years. Robert’s favorite hobbies are sailing, watching his Aggies and the Dallas Cowboys, and spending time with Patti, their sons and three daughters-in-law.

Paul kightlinger
Elder Vice Chairman
He and his wife, Pam, started coming to Faith Bible Church when they were in their first building on Camp Wisdom. Pam passed away quite a few years ago, but he has been here 49 years. He has served at Faith Bible in many different areas – as an usher, security, deacon, Chair of Educational Building Planning Committee, sang in Men’s Choir, served on the Worship Committee, Missions Committee, and Finance Committee. He has worked in our singles’ ministry and taught Adult Sunday School Classes and has been on numerous pastoral search teams. He has been an elder for almost 40 years. He is working in the nursery rocking babies and has been for over 37 years. He had the joy of writing and directing plays here at Faith! It was a lot of fun and a great way to present the Gospel! He has been involved in many other different areas of Faith Bible Church as well.

jonathan ott
Elder Secretary
As a follower of Jesus, Jonathan’s favorite verses are Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 1:29. He and his wife Stephanie have been married twenty-eight years and have two adult children, Elise and Ian. Jonathan currently serves on the tech team, as well as, Elder Board and with Stephanie in our Awana program. He also serves on boards for Pioneer Bible Translators, Global Assistance, and Chains of Grace. After graduating from Texas A&M University, Jonathan’s work experience was in IT management until returning to his family’s electronics contract manufacturing business in 2013. Next to knowing and serving the Lord, Jonathan’s main goal is to be the best husband he can be to the Lord’s daughter Stephanie and one day hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Jonathan also enjoys spending time with his kids, discussing the faith, and then hiking, tech, and remodeling.

bob busenitz
Bob is married to Marilyn and they have three children and one grandchild. Their career has been with Wycliffe Bible Translators and they lived for many years in Indonesia and the Philippines, and helped to translate the New Testament for the Balantak people in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bob continues to work with the Balantak people on Old Testament translation, as well as working as a translation consultant, helping other translators in Southeast Asia. Bob serves as an elementary Sunday School teacher at Faith and enjoys getting to know both the kids and their parents. Bob enjoys translation work, gardening, and spending time with Marilyn.

clois clark
Clois was born March 21, 1943 in Lometa, located in Lampasas County, Texas. He graduated from high school in 1961 in Belton and moved to Arlington and worked for General Motors for 42 years. He became a Christian when he was 25. He and his wife, Paula, have been married for 48 years. He has been involved in teaching, preaching, and church leadership for the past 56 years. They have one daughter, two grandchildren, and one great grandson. We have attended Faith Bible Church for the last 33 years. He has been an Elder here for the past ten years.

david marshall
eric fields
David Marshall enjoys teaching Sunday School. He served in Wycliffe Bible Translators for ten years including four years in India and Pakistan. He has been a teacher and school counselor in Duncanville ISD for 30 years, where he continues to work. He holds Masters degrees in both Linguistics and School Counseling.
While in Wycliffe he met his wife Cari Hollinger Marshall who had served in Colombia. They have one adult child. David is passionate about telling everyone that God’s Son Jesus died on the cross to forgive all their sins, and that pardon for sin and the free gift of eternal life is available to all who trust in Jesus who rose from the dead and is ready to save them.
While in Wycliffe he met his wife Cari Hollinger Marshall who had served in Colombia. They have one adult child. David is passionate about telling everyone that God’s Son Jesus died on the cross to forgive all their sins, and that pardon for sin and the free gift of eternal life is available to all who trust in Jesus who rose from the dead and is ready to save them.
Eric graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a BA degree in Math with the intention of becoming a high school teacher. But because of the death of a very close childhood friend during the last years of his college studies, he began pursuing the Lord with purpose, and after meeting Amy and other like-minded missionaries, he began pursuing a career in Bible translation. Eric and his wife Amy have been missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators for more than 30 years, working as translators/linguists for the *Makori people of W. Africa. Their translation team hopes to complete the publication of the *Makori New Testament soon in both Roman and Arabic scripts. They have two grown sons, Scott and Andrew, both married, and one granddaughter. Eric loves the Bible and the biblical languages, and has an MA in Linguistics from GIAL, an MA in Theological studies from RTS, and a PhD in Ancient Languages from Stellenbosch University in S. Africa. Eric is one of the Adult Sunday School teachers at Faith Bible Church, and as an elder, he is the liason to the Adult Sunday School teachers and Life Group leaders.

ken ward
mark ott
Ken met his wife, Bonnie, while studying music at Philadelphia College of Bible, which is now Cairn University. They have one daughter, Emily, and she and her husband, Nick, are the reason they decided to move from New Jersey to Texas in 2022. Ken is a Missionary Kid (MK) who grew up in Congo and Kenya. Bonnie grew up in the farm country of New York, and thought that getting to know an MK was a task worth pursuing! They married in 1978, and have subsequently spent time in New Jersey, Texas, New York, Maryland, back to New Jersey, and finally back to Texas. Ken retired after working in Information Technology for AT&T. Ken’s passion is to glorify God through music, and has been a choir director and worship leader for many years. As the psalmist says, ‘Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!’
Mark and his wife, Lyn, began attending Faith after looking for a church that would engage their two children in God’s Word. Nearly 40 years later, they are still privileged to not only attend with their children but with their grandchildren as well. His passion for studying and applying God’s Word led him to teaching and nurturing the faith of others at a local Bible college, as an Adult Bible Class teacher at Faith, and within his extended family. Mark’s ministry is complemented by his background of serving in multiple organizations through a variety of roles that utilize his gifts of teaching, giving and administration. This same blend of ministry and business has fed the pursuit of seeking alignment with God’s kingdom in all aspects of life.
As a follower of Jesus, 1 Jn 2:4-6 serves as a template for both life and ministry, "Whoever says, 'I know him,' but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." Mark strives to live out this truth daily, serving needs as the Lord provides opportunity.
As a follower of Jesus, 1 Jn 2:4-6 serves as a template for both life and ministry, "Whoever says, 'I know him,' but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." Mark strives to live out this truth daily, serving needs as the Lord provides opportunity.


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