In Psalms 105, we are being reminded of God’s deliverance of His people from Egypt.  I think one of the strongest examples of God’s authority over men and creation.  It also speaks clearly to us of God’s unending faithfulness. Something that should give us courage and fortitude especially during these times of change.  This psalm recounts how God brought His people out of the bondage of Egypt. From another OT passage, we read that He did so “with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.”  He then provided for them in the wilderness where there was nothing and brought them into a new land He had chosen for them.  Has He Himself not said in His Word, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”?  Reading from the NKJ verse 43 caught my attention, “He brought out His people with joy, His chosen ones with gladness.”  Redeeming Israel out of Egypt and unto Himself brought joy and gladness to God. Seems to me we have something yet far more important when Jesus became the redeemer, our redeemer and we read that “who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross.”  When Israel was redeemed from Egypt, God used His outstretched arm.  When the price for our redemption was paid, the arms of the Lord Jesus were outstretched and nailed to a cruel Roman cross.  When Israel was to leave Egypt, a Passover Lamb was slain, its blood shed. Jesus blood was shed for us or as the hymn writer penned it, “shed for sinners, shed for rebels, shed for me.”  In light of so great a salvation, may it be our purpose to live in such a way as to bring joy and gladness to God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
In closing, let me recommend the words to a hymn titled Anywhere With Jesus.  This hymn has been joyfully sung for generations and I think brings joy and comfort which I hope will be a blessing.

by Larry Dean

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