I was thinking on how Jesus spent His three year ministry telling folks how to get to heaven. He made it clear that all who “received” Him would get the right to go to heaven (see John 1:12). What does it mean to “receive” Jesus. The word “receive” brings to mind Christmas, doesn’t it? Someone purchases a gift for you, then offers it to you, and you receive it gladly. The gift costs the giver a price, but the recipient of the gift receives it at no cost. Jesus is the giver of the gift of eternal life and of course it cost Him His very life, laid down for us on the cross.

How do we explain what “receiving Jesus” means to someone who may not know? Receiving Jesus is putting your faith and trust in Him, that He died for your sins. Receiving Jesus is accepting the free gift of going to heaven because of what He did for you. Receiving Jesus is thanking Him for taking away all of your sins. Receiving Jesus is asking Him to save you. A condemned thief who was crucified on a cross next to Jesus received Jesus simply by asking Him. Receiving Jesus can take only seconds as the condemned thief found out. Just a few seconds to get to go to heaven’s paradise.

Join me this week in explaining to others how to receive Jesus. One of the last things Jesus told His followers before He ascended into the clouds was “You will be my witnesses” to others. He also told them to “Go and make disciples”. The early churches went everywhere telling others the Good News. Most folks you interact with everyday do not know what it means to receive Jesus. Look into their eyes and you might hear them whisper, “Will you explain it to me?”

by David Marshall, Elder

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