A line in today’s “One Year Bible” reading in Proverbs states, “He is intimate with the upright.” The Lord knows us and desires to walk with us and give us all He has promised us in His Word. He wants to give His children a joy unspeakable (1 Pt. 1:8), abundant life (Jn. 10:10), confident access to His Father’s throne and the experience of His love (Eph. 3:11-21). What an incredible heritage believers possess! And while we do not always experience the reality of these gifts, whether because of sin and our reliance on our own abilities, it does not change His desire to provide them.

Today’s reading (Ps. 16) also speaks of the many benefits of knowing and walking with God. For those saints who have made God their refuge, He provides them pleasant dwelling places, gladness, security, life, joy and pleasures forever! We also recently read (Pr. 3:8), “(Fearing the Lord & turning away from evil) will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.” How many times do we have to read it or does our Father have to repeat the truth that life and joy and abundance exist with Him and everything else is a temporary illusion?!

Temporary illusions are fun! And I love a good magic show! I was amazed when Lana and I were able - not too long ago - to attend David Copperfield’s show. He made a giant space ship appear just inches above our heads and then it floated out of the theater! But I knew his show was ‘smoke and mirrors’ and not reality. I would never build my life on David Copperfield’s show’s reality. It would be unproductive and pointless. It would not benefit my life or ministry. Don’t trust in ‘smoke and mirrors’!

by Curt Krohn, Senior Pastor

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