Is God able to mend a marriage, draw in a wayward child or family member, deliver an alcoholic, deliver an adulterer or fornicator from their wicked ways? Is God through The Holy Spirit able to deliver the liar, the thief, the prideful, the gossiper, the angry person, the person embedded in deep depression, the covetous, or the filthy mouth person from their sin? Is anything or anyone too hard for God? Jeremiah 32:17 says No. Is anything impossible for God? Luke 1:37 says No!

I was contemplating why after the pagan widow at Zarephath was commanded by GOD to care for the prophet Elijah, she hesitated. Over ten different translations say the widow was given a COMMAND by GOD! Living in the native hometown of Jezebel, dominated by Baal worship, she believed God, but was probably fearful. As a widow, I understand this widow’s plight. Occasionally I am challenged to trust God for resources. God always comes through, according to His timetable.

James says that “…faith without works is dead…you believe that there is one God! Even the demons believe that and shudder. “2:17-19 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The more we are in God’s word and act upon it, the more God increases our faith.
Once Elijah the prophet came to the widow and confirmed what God had commanded the widow to do, she in faith acted upon God’s instruction to her.

Jesus in Luke 4:25-26 wanted us to remember this widow. He says, God favored and honored this pagan widow’s faith. God is no respecter of persons. Christ says that through Him the believer can do ALL things. Without Christ, we can do nothing. Do we really believe what God says? Is God able to deliver us from the bondage of sin. Evil thoughts and deeds seem to sometimes consume us. This is why memorization of scripture is so powerful. As we hide God’s word in our hearts, the Holy Spirit fights for us in battles we cannot conquer alone. He promises to Always make a way of escape.

What does God want us to remember this Memorial Holiday Weekend? We take so many of our freedoms for granted.

David says is Psalm 19:13 “…Keep your servant from presumptuous sins…” The choice is ours. GOD is ABLE. There Is a ram in the bush. It is imperative to pray without ceasing and trust the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do in and through us, for God’s glory. GOD is ABLE to do above and beyond All we can think or imagine according to the power that is at work within us. Believe and act upon His Word. GOD IS ABLE!!!

by Wanda Williams, Women's Ministry Team

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