“Lord, Why Am I in Jail?” the Apostles must have been thinking. They were doing exactly what the Lord had told them to do. They were in the center of God’s will. Their consciences were clear as it always is when we simply do what Jesus tells us to do.

In Acts 4 they were telling folks about Jesus and were “seized” by the guards and ended up spending the night in jail. They were unashamed because there is no guilty shame in following Jesus, only in running from Him like we learned from Jonah.

In Acts 5 it happens again. They are simply telling folks about Jesus and get put in jail again. This time it is different. An angel gets them out of jail and the guards and religious leaders are astonished!

“Why, Lord, does this keep happening?” the Apostles may have thought. One reason is surely that boldly and courageously telling folks about Jesus is a tremendous witness to the unsaved. When they see our courage and God working through us, they realize that Jesus is alive and well inside of us.

We don’t run away from but run towards unbelievers to save them. Like a courageous fireman, we run to the fire, not away from it. Like a brave soldier, we head into the battle, not away from it.

When God puts us metaphorically in the prison of sickness, financial struggle, family problems, or many other “prisons”, it may be for the purpose to save others. Lord Jesus, help us to see You with us and Your love for others. Amen

by David Marshall, Elder

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