Our passage in Matthew 17 has an amazing and motivating quote from Jesus: “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I am encouraged by this because it reminds me that God has moved into every believer and is always ready to move mountains that we may face at times.

I recently lost my big wad of keys and when I backtracked to the place where I had deduced I left them, they were not there. I retraced my steps several times but soon got tired out trying to remember. I then emailed my whole building of fellow employees to ask for their help. Finally, I got still before the Lord, and asked Him to move this mountain if it was His will and find my keys. I had more peace as I waited on the Lord. After two hours or so, my keys were found.

In Mark 10 Jesus says, “Nothing is impossible with God.” In our passage Jesus says, “Nothing will be impossible for you.” I hope you are as encouraged by this as I am. Whether lost keys or a much larger problem you may be facing, please get still before the Lord, ask for His help, and sense the peace of knowing you have given it over to the Lord. Lord Jesus, we humbly ask for your help in every situation, big or small. Help anyone right now who may be facing a mountain. Amen.

by David Marshall, Elder

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