Lana and I received the first dose of the Covid Vaccine today at DeSoto’s Freshmen Campus. We are scheduled to get the second dose on Cinco de Mayo. Honestly, it was so fast and painless I wondered if I had truly been vaccinated! This little virus has turned our world upside down. One might be tempted to think that nuclear conquest or enormous marching armies or global financial collapse is the culprit but they are is a microscopic virus.

The small shepherd boy, David, in today’s chronological Bible reading, confronts and kills the champion, Goliath. David was not big, scary or an expert military man - he was a shepherd. He did not have guns or spears or a chariot. His shield was ‘the living God’ (1 Sam.17:26, 36, 45) and his goal was that the nations would know that there is a God in Israel and that God does not deliver by sword or spear because the battle is His (1 Sam. 17:46-47).

You and I need to be reminded that God’s economy is not our economy. We like big and expensive but God’s ways are most often accomplished with small things and without expense. He is God and He can sovereignly do whatever He chooses with or without our assistance. Step into today knowing that the Lord can use you, as powerless and insignificant as you are, to move mountains, change lives and disrupt the enemy’s plans. That little tiny dose of COVID vaccine is aiding our bodies to fight this ‘Goliath’ of a pandemic....that is HOW God designed us. God wants to use you in His Kingdom work...that is WHY God designed you!

by Curt Krohn

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