Acts 6:1- 8:1
This story of Stephen is one of my favorite stories in the NT. It is a favorite because Stephen full of the Holy Spirit gives the first Walk thru the Bible survey course. I’ve been teaching this story for over 40 years, and I see something different in it every time I read it. God’s Word is like that you know. Here is one of the seven new deacons added to the ministry of the Apostles and his knowledge of the history of Israel is amazing. God gives us strength in the power of the Holy Spirit to stand strong for the Lord even if it costs us our lives. Read these few verses several times and let His peace sink into whatever you are facing today.

59 While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

1 While they were stoning him…. He prayed
2 His prayer - “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”
3. Who he prays for - “then he fell on his knee and cried out”… “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” Amazing…
4. Then he fell asleep – Can you imagine falling asleep while you are being stoned to death.

Take a few moments and start a list like this, unpack the rest of this amazing story, and when you get a chance read it and meditate on it. Sometimes, I find just writing out God’s Word as I read it makes the words jump right out of the page. It will give you God’s peace and courage to face whatever it is you are facing in life.

by Jerry Hull, Pastor of Children's Ministry

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