When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. (NASB)
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (NIV)
Psalm 94:19 (from today’s One Year Bible reading)

Anxious thoughts. The things that can come to our mind several times through the night. They can be disturbing. But this is when we need to remind ourselves of God’s promises, when we need to pray. And God hears our prayers.

In today’s reading in Judges, the Lord helped the Israelites, who at the risk of their lives, were used to defeat a powerful enemy, guided by some courageous leaders. In our Luke reading, Jesus, in the garden and in a time of great distress, prayed to His Father, and He was strengthened (Lk. 22:43).

God can help us with our anxious thoughts, changing our disposition. These Scriptures encourage me.

by Bob Busenitz, Elder

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