I was seven months pregnant as I walked into my doctor’s new office. I looked around after signing in, the decision was where would I sit. The soft comfortable chair that I may have a hard time getting out of or the hard back chair? Then I looked around the room. What do we find ourselves doing as we wait?

I think about that memory when I consider the place I call “God’s waiting room.” Many times in my life I have found myself in this place. Yet in life we do not enjoy waiting. In I Chronicles 13, David is in God’s waiting room, his desire to bring the ark back. He does what we do so many times, he asks the advice of men, rather than turning to God. He did not wait on the Lord regarding this decision.

When we don’t wait on the Lord and rush ahead the result is less than we had hoped for. In the case of David, the ark was moved in the incorrect manner. A life was lost when Uzza tried to steady the ark. In our own lives when we rush ahead of God, we and others face unpleasant consequences.

As we as a church body wait on the Lord during this period of time, we need to remember God has a plan. That it’s not in our time but God's. Consider Hannah who waited years for a child, or Simeon who would not see death until he saw the Messiah.

by Lisa Kisner, Women's Ministry Team

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