Acts chapter 3 records how the Apostle Peter (the Rock) heals a man who had been born crippled.  Peter says to the man “in the name of Jesus” walk!  There is still only one name that can bring “healing” to folks today.  People are spiritually sick and need the Great Physician.  We pass them every-day when we go about our daily business.  We greet them every-day and say “How’s it going?”  Do we see them as sick people in need of the “healing” of Jesus? 
The Bible makes it clear that every person has the sickness of sin.  Jesus taught that all folks are basically evil (see Luke 11:13; John 3:19).  The need for Spiritual healing is the greatest need unsaved folks have today.  We as believers cannot ourselves heal them, but we can speak the Name that can!  Unless unbelievers hear the name of Jesus and what He has done for them, they cannot be saved.  Again, do we see them as sick people in need of the healing of Jesus?
What happens to an unsaved person the moment you talk about Jesus with them and they put their faith in Him?  Their crippled legs are immediately made to walk!  They are instantly saved and can now begin a new life of walking by faith in Jesus!  Love demands that we are not silent; love demands that we speak up when we see a crippled person needing to walk.  Again, do we see them as sick people in need of the healing of Jesus?

by David Marshall

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