The first sentence of the marriage intimacy study Soul Refiner states “God’s love never fails,” yet in so many marriages it may feel like it has. Couples, our environment today has left us isolated and anxious. With this isolation, conflict grows and the difficult task of hiding our problems, our addictions, and our secrets from our spouse become more impossible. But God gives us hope! Revealing the secrets behind our closed doors with our spouse will provide growth and healing from God Himself. The key is seeking a more intimate relationship with God and then letting the power of the Holy Spirit heal us so that we can love our spouse.

God first, marriage second. Your first step is a courageous step of confessing your sin. In Soul Refiner, confession starts with identifying areas of “intimacy anorexia.” These are closed doors that we hold locked from God and our spouse. These areas of addictions or sinful habits or past abuse hurt not only you, but they also hurt your spouse incredibly. When you withhold areas of your life, you are playing right into Satan’s scheme to destroy you and your marriage.
We must start with praying to God with a statement like “God, I may never have told You this, but I am a…. This confession begins your destiny to a renewed and honest relationship with God who loves you dearly.

Here at Faith Bible we will soon be offering the Soul Refiner course. Courage is required in the first session to put a name to your issue. There is freedom as the sin of withholding is released to God. Honesty is required to begin to share those things that you have been withholding with your spouse. Marriage counseling is built right into the course, plus we at Faith Bible Church will have mentors to come along side both of you in this healing journey. The Soul Refiner course calls to you “admit if your soul is anguished, and you will find hope, answers, and solutions.” So look at the website and prepare to join our Faith Bible Church’s new marriage builder course “Soul Refiner” in January. Jump and see if the rope holds and let’s fight for our marriages!

by Steve Sagué

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