When I think of praising the Lord, my mind goes to groups of church people singing in worship to God for who He is or the great things He has done. We, as God's children, certainly should praise Him. It is commanded hundreds of times in Scripture.

In Psalm 148, one of the passages in today's Bible reading, the emphasis is on God's creation praising the Lord. The angels, all heavenly host, sun, moon, stars, sea creatures, the ocean itself, lightning, hail, snow, clouds, stormy winds, mountains, hills, fruit trees, cedars, wild animals, cattle, small creatures, flying birds are all commanded to praise the Lord. This command is stated in the first ten verses of the psalm before the first mention of humans occurs.  

I am reminded of Psalm 19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Do we, like nature, declare an accurate picture of who God is?

by Dwain Fowler

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