1 Samuel 3:4 says, “Then the Lord called Samuel.” The time was right for Samuel to start his ministry and God let him know it. It reminds me of others in the Bible who were called to begin a ministry for the Lord. I think of Moses who was given the job of delivering the Israelites from captivity, receiving the 10 Commandments, and guiding them through the desert. Abraham also received his calling and mission by God to father many nations. Noah was given the ministry of building a ship and preserving both his family and numerous animals, while Joseph received the ministry of leading a country and saving his family. The Old Testament is full of ordinary people doing extraordinary ministries with the empowering of our Lord.

Then we see our incarnated Lord Jesus personally calling fishermen to come and follow Him. Like Abraham, Moses, Noah, Samuel, and so many other faithful men and women before them, they answered the call. They depended on the Lord Jesus to show them what to do and to give them the strength to carry out His teachings. Many men and women became faithful followers of our Lord Jesus who answered the call to carry the Good News in His absence to the uttermost parts of the earth. Later we see faithful men and women called to minister in local churches. Timothy was called to preach the Gospel in Ephesus, Phillip was called to evangelize, Paul was called to bring the light of the Gospel to the Gentiles, and all believers were called to serve and encourage one another within their local churches.

by David Marshall

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