What would a person look like who is found by God and lives his entire life in fellowship with Him? As a new believer he would delight in knowing his Father in Heaven. He grows like a tree planted firmly by the water. Also, like that tree, he produces fruit naturally by receiving the nourishment his Father provides. Psalm 1-2

By You I have been sustained from my birth; You are He who took me from my mother’s womb; My praise is continually of You. Psalm 71:6

Growing up he would observe the rebellion of people and even nations against his Father. He must strive to reject the culture that rejects his Father and believe that his Father is still in charge. His trust is in his good Father and that reliance blesses him. But time marches on with continual rebellion and it is difficult to be called an adult. Faith in his Father shines against the darkness of those who mock his faith. Maturity requires forgiving those who broke him emotionally, physically and financially. He learns to cry out to his Father: “Lord, You are my King, hear my humble request and fight for me your child.” ref. Psalm 10  

Life for him becomes a continual Psalm — a lament sometimes but sustained by the sovereignty of the Lord.

The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:11

Daily his soul abides in his Most High to be his refuge and fortress even in the “not yets.” He does not know the day of his death, but time gives him the experience and wisdom to become a legacy to others. He learns to proclaim the Messiah Jesus from the Psalms to his family and neighbors. The promises of the Psalms are fulfilled in this life or peacefully in his eternal life. His Father is his life long praise. ref. Psalm 91

His Father will answer Him. His Father will be with Him in trouble. His Father will rescue him and honor him. With a long life he will be satisfied because he knows he will see his Father’s salvation. ref. Psalm 91:14-16

Brothers and sisters, let us rejoice that we can be this person: a person who lives in prayer and praise because we fellowship with a Father who loves us.

by Steve Sagué, Elder

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