Hezekiah was one of the good kings in Judah. He followed after King David and got rid of idol worship in his kingdom. He held fast to the Lord and was successful in all that he did. (2 Kings 18:6-7) When he became sick, and was told by Isaiah that he would die, he wept bitterly and prayed to God reminding him of how faithful he had been. God heard him and granted him another fifteen years of life.
In his writing, after his recovery, Hezekiah wrote that, “The living they praise you, as I am doing today; parents tell their children about your faithfulness.” (Isaiah 38:19) it seems that Hezekiah failed to take his own advice, because one of his sons, Manasseh, who was born in this fifteen year reprieve, was an evil king in Judah.
We must be faithful, to the end of our lives, to proclaim the goodness of the Lord to our children and grandchildren. Don’t give up, or rest on your laurels, as Hezekiah seems to have done. No matter what your age, you can have an impact on those around you. Even in uncertain times the Lord is at work. Find out where he is working and follow him with a whole heart

by Rick Kisner, Deacon

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