In Mark 10, Jesus asked the exact same question two different times. "What do you want me to do for you?" He asks this first to the disciples who approach him pridefully wanting to sit on his right and left when he is glorified. He also asks this same question of the blind man who humbly cries out for Jesus to have mercy on him and restore his sight. In between these two stories Jesus talks about how the greatest among us must be the servant of all.

It makes me think, 'how do I typically approach Jesus?' Do I come to him arrogantly expecting great things for myself? Or do I come to him in the same manner I came for salvation, completely dependent and humbled before my Savior and God? In James 4, Proverbs 3 is quoted where it says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." I pray that I approach Christ in humble dependence, relying on his mercy and asking to "see" as the blind man did.

by D'Ana Adams, Women's Ministry Team

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