Joshua3-4 - Luke14:7-35 - Psalm80:19 - Proverbs 12:27b
In Luke 14, the people of Israel thought they understood the perfect possession of diligence.  Diligence is the opposite of lazy and demonstrates careful and persistent effort.  A good disciple must be diligent to obey God’s law.  It was not ok to be last. But Jesus did say to them put all your family loyalties last, put all your desires last, and put all your possessions last. Jesus even demands they become good salt: valuable, preserving and full of flavor.  He challenges them with do you really want to follow Me?

This is difficult and requires a new definition of the perfect possession of diligence. And He agrees!

Remember in Joshua3-4 the great miracle of drying the Jordan River.  The priests carrying the Ark just had to be diligent to step into the water first and then the Lord stopped the water.  They took steps of faith but the Lord did the miracle.  Always remember that the Lord does the heavy lifting.  Let us be diligent in seeking and finding the God who parts the flood waters.  Call out to Him with Psalm80:19:
O Lord God of Hosts, Restore us, Cause Your face to shine upon us, And we will be saved

It is good to possess diligence.  It is renewed by possessing a knowledge of God’s faithfulness in the past.  But next remember the Lord diligently works miracles and we are His. We are the precious possession of His diligence.  Now that is perfect.

by Steve Sagué, Elder

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