Jesus rides into town…. Luke 29-28-48

Today, in our reading, as the inspired narrative of the book of Luke moves onward toward the amazing events of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, we see Jesus' riding into Jerusalem and fulfilling prophecy after prophecy. Easter week is my favorite week of the year, as I imagine it might be for you too. This year just seemed even more special to me. With our good Friday service, our Sunday Morning Sunrise Service out by the cross on the Pleasant Run and our regular services all brought this important week to life. Pastor Craig packed it with great worship and fresh Easter songs with his team and Pastor Curt brought the Easter story to life through the teaching of God’s Word. So many things are packed into this important week. I wish we could focus on it for a month. Eye opening to me is the emphasis the four gospel writers place on it.

A third of the Gospels is devoted to it. Here’s the breakdown and statistics from chapter one of Andy Naselli’s new book How to Understand and Apply the New Testament:

"The break down according to each of the Gospels:
A third of Matthew, from Matthew 21-28
A third of Mark, from Mark 11-16
A quarter of Luke, from Luke 19-24
Nearly half of John, from John 12-20”

With a desire to help us all focus on and celebrate this past week. I invite you to stop and visit Room 209 in the Family Life Center.

We have an amazing, life-like tomb set up in Room 209. I was by myself as I went into it last week for the first time after it was set up. When I turned the corner inside the tomb and saw the linen cloth on the bench, I was stopped in my tracks. The power of the empty tomb and Christ’s resurrection caused me to pause, pray, give thanks. There is also a wooden cross in the room where you can write out why you're thankful for the cross and place it on the cross. Please come by and check it for yourself. We’ve left the room set up another week for your special visit. Don’t miss it. You’ll be amazed!

by Jerry Hull, Pastor of Children's Ministry

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