In our blog reading from Psalms 103, we have praise for the Lord’s mercies for His people. We “bless His holy name” for pardoning all of our guilt, for redeeming us and for crowning us with compassion all of our days.

We know He has not dealt with us because of our sins or our evil deeds, but shows us His mercy and compassion with His mercy being everlasting for His children and justice for His children’s children. We are blessed and comforted by the familiar words from Psalms 103:  “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.” Additionally, we are reminded of these blessings with His first miracle at Cana and cleansing the Temple at Passover.

All of today’s readings show God’s glory, and remind us of His many blessings and His love for us.

by Jim Hallbauer, Deacon

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