Proverbs 14:26-27  Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.  The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, Turning a person from the snares of death.

We have discussed earlier that the “fear” of the Lord is knowledge of Him. So it is our knowledge of Him that keeps us from the snares of death, which could also mean the entrapments of everyday life. But, I’m approaching it from a different viewpoint.

Some of you know that I had a fall just about two months ago. I have often heard that ignorance is bliss,  but this is truly the definition of that statement. I was walking the dogs
(Higgins and Tucker, Bassett Hounds) prior to their training session when my cane went into a hole covered by grass and I fell face first into a stepping stone, also covered by grass. My glasses were broken and my forehead was bleeding, but other than that, I felt okay. The folks at the kennel wanted to call an ambulance, but I refused their kindness, did the training session, and drove home. Three weeks later, at a follow up visit with the surgeon that fused three vertebrae in my neck, I found out that I had broken my neck and would need surgery to correct the damage that was done. It wasn’t until the morning of the surgery, three weeks later, that I was told by the surgeon that he didn’t know why I wasn’t paralyzed. That was pretty sobering, but when I was in my room after the procedure, Dave Fournie told me that the surgeon told him that he didn’t know why I hadn’t died.

Hmmm, that makes you stop and take stock of your life. Dying of course would be gain, but living is a different ball game. God is not through with me yet. What He has in store for me I don’t know yet, but whatever it is, I’m anxious to discover what it is.  God bless all of you!

by Paul Kightlinger, Elder

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