“Gray hair is a crown of splender, it is attained in the way of righteousness. Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self control than one who takes a city. The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.” NIV  Proverbs 16:31-33

(Vs 31) Gray hair…hmmm!. My crown seems to be slowly disappearing. Every day the hairs on my head  moving further apart. I believe that “gray hair” must be a reference to age. It is interesting that other cultures seem to venerate their older generations. They are treated with great honor and respect because of their long life and the fact that they have seen and endured so much.The verse also mentions that the gray hair has been attained in the way of righteousness. I, for one, am thankful that I am covered by Christ’s righteousness.

(Vs 32) This verse tells us that it is better to be a patient person than a warrior, a person with self control rather than one who takes a city. All of us have known someone who is a warrior type. It is always their way or the highway. They blow up, wreak havoc, and leave destruction in their wake. A patient person on the other hand is deliberate in their actions. They invest themselves in what they do and say. They are truly concerned and care about their interactions with others. They are a people of peace.

(Vs 33) This verse confused me when I first came in contact with it. Gambling and God just did not fit together. Then my dad pointed out that ‘casting lots’ in this verse meant that nothing in life happened by chance. Everything that happens is under His control and watchful care.

I originally thought I would write this blog just on verse 31. Childhood innocence, growth during my teens, forming my Christian world view during my late teens and college years, and my maturing as a man during 47 wonderful years of marriage. Then I was going to close it with a retrospect about the world I have seen and compare it to what the world is now. And the last statement in the blog was to be… “Even now, come Lord Jesus!”

by Paul Kightlinger, Elder

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