Prayer is one of the greatest privileges believers have in our relationship with GOD. To have this great privilege we must be a forgiven sinner, having placed our faith in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. The person who has never made this decision to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior has no right to come into the Holy presence of Almighty GOD. True believers have that privilege because we have been given the righteousness of Christ. As believers we have been forgiven and given a full pardon for all our sins, past ,present, and future.

In john 14:6 "Jesus said unto him, I am the way. the truth. and the life. No man can come unto the Father but by me." We approach GOD in the name of Jesus Christ and through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Whoever prays any other way has no access into the Holy presence of GOD. GOD hears their prayers but will not respond to it. It is true that a lost sinner who comes to GOD for forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ for salvation will be received and accepted in Christ and will have the privilege of praying and fellowship with GOD. It is a great privilege to enter the Holy of Holies to worship and bring our requests to our Heavenly Father. Those who are unbelievers do not have this privilege.

The true believer who is out of fellowship with GOD, living in sin, living in open rebellion against GOD, also will not have his or her prayers answered. GOD will hide His face from them until they repent and return to the place of fellowship and harmony with GOD. Psalms 27:9 says "Do not hide your face from me. Do not put your servant away in anger Do not leave me or forsake me, Oh GOD of my salvation."

There is no greater privilege than living in the sunshine of of GOD'S presence. There is nothing more painful than living out of fellowship with GOD. GOD'S correction and discipline of His erring children is a very painful experience. Let's be wise and live in harmony with GOD and enjoy continual fellowship with GOD.

by Clois Clark, Elder

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