When there is no revelation, people cast off restraint, but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. Proverbs 29:18 NIV

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary – Proverbs 29:18
“How bare does a place look without Bibles and ministers! And what an easy prey is it to the enemy of souls! That gospel is an open vision, which holds forth Christ, which humbles the sinner and exalts the Savior, which promotes holiness in life and conversation: and these are precious truths to keep the soul alive and prevent it from perishing.”

I have heard many sermons on this verse and sat through many leadership conferences where this verse was used to urge church leadership to cast a vision for the church. This vision was then used to keep the church from floundering and dying. I believe that Matthew Henry expresses my thoughts much better than I ever could. “How bare does a place look without Bibles and ministers! And what an east prey is it to the enemy of souls! That gospel is an open vision which holds forth Christ, which humbles the sinner and exalts the Savior, which promotes holiness in life and conversation: and these are precious truths to keep the soul alive and prevent it from perishing.”

Our vision is the Gospel of Christ, it is an open vision that holds forth Christ, humbles the sinner and exalts the Savior. It promotes holiness in life and conversation: and these are precious truths to keep the soul alive and prevent it from perishing.

Ok! Now I have stated my premise three times. I have not strayed from my purpose in putting my thoughts in writing. I have given this considerable thought and I believe that Matthew Henry expresses my final thought much better than I ever could! “The Gospel of Christ promotes holiness in life and conversation.” May it ever be so!

by Paul Kightlinger, Elder

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