It seems appointments of all sort are showing up on my calendar with greater and greater frequency! As I age, others have shared that this will be an increasing reality. Today’s reading found several appointments…some kept and some refused. Jonah is told by God to put Nineveh on his travel schedule and Jonah knew what that meant….God was preparing to confront the people and, if they repented, He would forgive their sin. As a consequence of what he knew of God’s character (Jonah 4:2), he ran the opposite direction. He rebelled and suffered the consequences…another part of God’s character with which Jonah was familiar.

What has always been curious to me in Jonah’s story is how EVERYTHING in this short Old Testament book responds quickly and obediently to the Lord except Jonah. The sailors feared the Lord greatly (1:16), the sea obeyed (1:15) and the appointed fish did its job (1:17). The people and their king obediently repented (3:5-6) and the Lord appointed a plant and a worm and a scorching east wind (4:6-8)…all of whom obediently carried out their appointments. The Lord demonstrated Himself sovereignly in control of nature and human hearts….but Jonah. Jonah preferred death to seeing his fellowman experience the Lord’s love and compassion.

To what has the Lord appointed you? What is He asking you to put on your calendar that you are running from? Does he want you reaching out with the gospel to a friend, relative or stranger? Is He wanting you to add someone to your schedule that you would prefer never to ever see again? Does He want you to put time with Him on your calendar? Is holiness something He would like to see prioritized in the agenda of your life? He will eventually have His way…as we see in this short book. Why not walk into this appointment and not away from it?!

by Curt Krohn, Senior Pastor

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