Church attendance since Covid has not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Playgrounds on the church property that used to be full are quiet and rows of temporary chairs for the auditorium in the hallways gather dust. Missionaries that were sent out have returned and funding is tight. Attendance at times is strong which leaves one longing for the past because lighter Sundays follow all too often. God seems to have focused His attention on other areas of the world where reports of His fame have come back to us. We are left wanting to know how we return to God’s blessings.

Psalm 44 was written by the sons of Korah under similar circumstances but at a time long ago. The psalmist remembers God’s blessings that were so abundant in the past. Victories fought and won by the Lord in ways that could not be attributed to the strength of the people were common. At the heighth of God’s victories, verse 9 tells us of the immediate context of the writer. “But you have cast us off and put us to shame.” Over the last 17 verses, the psalmist cannot identify an immediate answer as he struggles to understand why the Almighty has changed His position towards His people. The psalm ends with the writer not giving up and asking God to Wake up … and redeem us for Your mercies’ sake.

We join the Jews in Korah’s day the Psalm of prayer was cried out to our God (Psalm 44). Our God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we remember from the past the laughter in the halls and crowded rooms of our church, the loud singing from a full auditorium and we know You caused that and not us. Dear LORD, we ask you to turn your face towards us again, not because we are worthy but for Your mercies’ sake. Your people need you and this community needs You and a body that stands firm on Your Word. Guide us to be that body that proclaims your mercy to others.

by Robert Riggs, Elder

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