Proverbs 15:15-17
Vs 15 – All the days of the oppressed are wretched
                   But the cheerful heart has a continual feast
Vs 16 – Better is a little with the fear of the Lord
                   Than great wealth with turmoil.
Vs 17 – Better a small serving of vegetables with love
                   Than a fattened calf with hatred.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
Vs 15 –Some are much in affliction and of a sorrowful spirit. Such are to be pitied, prayed for, and comforted. And others serve God with gladness of heart, and it prompts their obedience, yet they should rejoice with trembling.

Vs 16-17 – Believers often have enough when worldly eyes see little; the Lord is with them, without the cares, troubles, and temptations which are with the wealth of the wicked.

My Dad had all three of these verse framed and on the wall of our kitchen. His purpose was to have us focus on gratefulness for what the Lord had provided for us and to do so with a cheerful heart. My Dad was a stickler for this. I cannot help but think of him every time I see these verses. Now, you would need to know him to understand why this is so meaningful to me. He stood an even six feet tall and was quite muscular! He was not given to emotional responses. Nor was he particularly cheerful. He worked hard all of his life. He loved God, my mother and us with all of his heart, but he was not a touchy/feely man. He was strong, confident, and not given to talking very much. But when he did talk, you listened and listened closely.

He, also, wanted us to show the proper respect for my Mother and could be quite stern if he thought we were about to show disrespect toward her. Needless to say, that did not happen often and if it did, it did not last long. He was a great Dad!
As an aside, he also had verse 18 framed and on the wall in my bedroom. I believe that one worked, too! 

by Paul Kightlinger, Elder

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