As I read today's Bible passages , Acts 6 impacted me the most.

In Acts 6 we see the establishment of deacons, which is significant for me because I have now been a deacon for close to a year. “Pick out from among you men of good repute, filled with the Holy Spirit, and of wisdom.” Acts 6:3

Wow! Every time I read that verse, I ask myself, “Is that really me?” Doubt sets in as I remember every evil deed I have done or even thought of. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Yet it is this very thing that gives me hope. God the Father is the Judge and not me. Jesus presents me flawless to the Father, because of what He did on the cross. He is the one, who makes me a man of good repute, filled with the Holy Spirit, and wisdom. He is the one who renews my mind and molds me.

At the end, as Stephen is falsely accused, his face shone like the face of an angel. I challenge you the reader and myself, is your face showing this way? Do you repent daily and immerse yourself in the word of God, so He can make you the person He made you to be? I pray that we will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, where it can even be seen on our face.

by Jordan Brown, Deacon

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