Psalm 27 has long been one of my favorite psalms. Maybe that’s because it first came to my attention via a song titled “The Lord is My Light” that I heard “back in the day.” Turns out that wasn’t the only song based on this psalm. A quick search finds many such songs. So obviously Psalm 27 is meaningful to other people too!

And that’s not surprising, for Psalm 27 has a great message—God is my fortress and protector—a theme that occurs repeatedly throughout Scripture. Even though I’m attacked by the Enemy in various ways, I can be confident, as Romans 8:28 assures me, that God is working all these things together for my good, as part of His plan for my life.

The key for me is keeping my focus—my “eyes,” as it were—on God and His character. When difficulties and problems arise, I find I have to return to the foundational truth of Who God is:

— He is sovereign over all, which means He’s in charge of everything. Nothing can happen to me that is outside His control.
— Because He is omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipresent (present everywhere), He knows exactly what’s going on—far better than I do.
— Because He is omnipotent (all-powerful), He is able to do anything He wants.
— And because He is holy, just, righteous, and good, everything He does is also holy, just, righteous, and good.

What I have to do is to keep the right focus, remembering Who God is, and trusting Him with the situation.

What about you? I trust this is true for you, too!

by Darrel Eppler, Chairman of the Elder Board

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