Revelation chapter 2 includes the letter to the church in Thyatira. It is wonderful that there is so much application to believers today that can be of benefit to us. The believers attending that early church were sealed with the same Holy Spirit that indwells you and me but were struggling with sexual immorality just as believers do today.

I am reminded that just because I am saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit, I still need the kind of warning against sexual immorality that is given in this letter to the Thyatira believers. First of all, it says not to “tolerate” sexual immorality, and secondly to “repent” of it. It also says that there will be “suffering” if we do tolerate it and do not repent, perhaps by God’s chastening of us.

What does it mean to tolerate sexual immorality? Perhaps letting our eyes linger too long on someone in a lustful manner. How might we not tolerate lust? The eyes are the entrance for lust, so not looking at forbidden areas is equal to not tolerating it. Jesus said a person who looks lustfully has “committed adultery in his heart.” Lord Jesus, we need You because we can so easily go astray. Good Shepherd, find us when we lose our way. We love you Lord. Amen .

by David Marshall, Elder

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