Proverbs is a book of wise counsel for both the learned and those who are beginning to learn. In these four chapters there is so much to treasure, appreciate and profit by that I find it difficult to know where to respond.

One quick thought on verse seven, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” We live in a world that does not fear God or reverence His Holy name so much so I fear we do not cringe when we hear it abused even paying money to hear actors and entertainers revile His Holy name. God said of Job he is “a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil.” In Proverbs 23:17 we read, "But be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day."

The words know, knowledge and known appear eight times in these four chapters by my count and are key words in the purpose of this blog. Similar words such as understanding, wisdom, and discretion are also often used. One of the primary things God wanted Israel to know was that He was God, their God and that they should love Him with a pure heart.

Let me go now to what I think is a prominent use of the word knowledge in the New Testament I think so applies to us as those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Ephesians 4:13 teaches us all to reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Seems to me what is being said here is that knowledge of the Son of God will change our lives. Paul express his desire to know Christ in Phil. 3:10 when he says “that I might know Him and be like Him that he lay hold on to that for which Christ Jesus had laid hold on him pressing on to the upward call of God in Christ. I understand that this word know is to know by experience and that seems to me to be Paul’s express desire.

I feel I should close this blog by telling in brief, the story of Cripple Tom and end with the words to a gospel chorus. Cripple Tom is the story of a boy born to a poor couple in England who was born a cripple but in his early years could get about on crutches. His parents died leaving him an orphan. His heath failed and he was confined to a bed in an upper room. He so wanted a Bible and a friend got him one and through this he became a Christian and thought I can’t keep all this good news to myself so he finagled a way to get pen and paper and would drop Bible verses out his window to the street below. One evening up the stairs came a well-dressed man to see who was dropping the verses. Tom ask him, if anyone was getting them and the man explained how one of the verses had dropped on his hat and it had changed his life. Tom was so delighted. As they talked Tom ask the visitor, “are people happy as have lots to give Him, sir?” The visitor sighed a deep sigh. “Ah. lad, you are a great deal happier in this wretched room, making sacrifices for Christ, than thousands who profess to belong to Him, whom have time and talents and money, and do little or nothing for Him.” Young Tom replied, “they don’t know Him, sir, Knowin’ is lovin’ and lovin’ is doin’.”

Saved to Tell Others
We're saved, saved to tell others of the Man of Galilee. Saved, saved to live daily for the Christ of Calvary. Saved, saved to invite you to His salvation free. We’re Saved, Saved, Saved by His blood for all eternity.

by Larry Dean

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