I love Psalm 77. I've felt this way before many times and even recently I've felt very sad and emotional with the death of my grandad. I love that God allowed some of these very emotional words to be put in His Word. Asaph even wrote it to be used as a song!

He's crying out to God, "Where are you, God? Will you reject forever?" Even thinking about the way he used to be (i.e. "singing songs in the night") made him troubled. He's wondering if God's unfailing love has completely vanished, if He's forgotten to be merciful.  

I have been there so many times where outward circumstances combined with my feelings tell me that God doesn't really love me, that he has forgotten me, etc. It's easy to lose sight of truth. This past week after my grandad went home to be with Jesus, I found that I was allowing emotion to guide me rather than truth.

I needed (and still need) to do what Asaph did: remember and meditate on the things God has done. I need to think about what God has done in my past or, if I need to go back even further, meditate on what He did at the cross or even how He led the Israelites through the desert "like a flock". Because sometimes I definitely can be as dense and oblivious as a sheep and need to remember that God is aware “that we are dust" (Ps. 103:14) and yet will "never leave [us] or forsake [us]" (Heb. 13:5), regardless of what our emotions or circumstances may tell us. And one amazing day, we will be Home with Him, just like my grandad is right now! Can't wait!

by D'Ana Adams, Women's Ministry Team

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